Carving by Numbers 5000 Series Projects and Plans

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5000 Series Projects and Plans

Projects & Plans

The following selection of projects, have number references that relate to the Record Power 5000 Series range of carving tools.

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These techniques are the Foundation Skills for carving. If you start out with good techniques, they will provide a solid foundation upon which your carving skills can be built.

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There are many different sharpening systems available on the market, and many will produce razor sharp results. However, regardless of which system you choose, you will need an understanding of the basic sharpening principals.

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This particular style of carving, known as ‘flat carving’ is commonly found decorating furniture
from the Jacobean period (1603-1688). The designs are varied and although sometimes of a simplistic appearance, can be used for many applications.

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The term Guilloche is of French origin, and describes a decoration which can be found widely in ancient
Greece and Rome. A typical guilloche design is formed by two or more bands, which are interwoven to form a repetitive pattern. In many cases the bands are interspersed with other designs, colours or textures. The same basic elements of guilloche also feature strongly in Celtic, Anglo Saxon and early Scandinavian decorative arts, producing in some cases extremely elaborate and complex patterns.

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It is thought that the Celtic civilization had origins in Britain and Western Europe stemming back to the Iron Age. Evidence is thought to date back as far as 500 BC. There are few written records remaining from this civilisation, however, their designs and symbols have transcended the globe and remain in use today.

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In this tutorial, we will be looking at the ‘Lunette’. A widely used decoration, with a name that is derived from the French word ‘Lune’ meaning Moon.

Lunette is the diminutive form meanings half-moon, and its shape has been used as a feature in architecture and furnishing throughout the centuries. On furniture, the ornament in its earliest form was
usually carved, and consisted of a series of half-moon shapes, sometimes interlaced and filled with decorative designs. Examples of these motifs can be found widely, particularly on oak furniture of the 16th and first half of the 17th centuries.

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The Tudor rose is a decoration steeped in tradition and history. The rose has long held a symbolic place in decorative art in many countries, cultures and religions. Used to depict innocence, knowledge, peace and suffering as well as love, passion, secrecy and sacrifice, it is hardly surprising that this symbol of so many values became such a common heraldic motif and was, and still is, incorporated into furniture designs and used widely in architecture.

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The art of lettering is a tremendously popular form of carving, due to its infinite applications.
Names or house signs carved in wood can make treasured gifts, while poems and favourite catch-phrases can be documented in a way that will survive the centuries. You may wish to initial or date pieces of your work, incorporating personal details into your very own logo.

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If you are a woodturner, woodcarving offers you a multitude of ways to embellish your work. In this tutorial we will explore how the repetition of some simple cuts can help to enhance the edge of a turned bowl or platter. When accompanied by colour and texture, the effect can be very eye catching.

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The origins of the ‘Barley twist’ date back into the earliest chronicles of recorded history. The decoration is
characterized by the spiral column shape and has been used in a vast assortment of decorative applications. Legendary buildings such as the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, which is thought to have been destroyed more than 500 years BC, is described as being adorned by spiral ‘Solomonic columns’. History also reveals evidence that the decoration can found on the architecture of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

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Patera are popular forms of decoration with a multitude of uses. They stem from classical architecture and were later used to decorate furniture. Patera can be used for many applications, as decorations set into the tops of table or chair legs, or into the frieze of a fireplace for example. They could be used to decorate the lid of a turned bowl or even carved as a small gift.

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The carving project in this tutorial forms an introduction to the acanthus leaf, and will also encourage you to start thinking in three dimensions. The acanthus leaf is one of the most widely used plant motifs in the decorative arts. Take a look at the ‘Acanthus Panel Project’ for a detailed study of how to draw and carve the Acanthus decoration.

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Without doubt, the acanthus leaf is the most widely used plant motif in the decorative arts.
Its origins lie in the ancient Roman and Greek empires and have been traced back as far as the 5th Century BC. The Acanthus Mollis (Photo.1) is a Mediterranean plant which is also known by several names such as Bear’s Breeches or Brank Ursine. It was stylised in different ways for Greek, Roman, Byzantian and Gothic arts and has been in constant use since then.

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The corbel is a much-used form of applied decoration, most commonly found on carcass furnishing. The design varies tremendously according to the functional requirement and the tastes of the different periods in history. You can often see them supporting the protruding mouldings and sills of impressive historic buildings. On furniture, the function is mostly ornamental, and examples of some interesting variations can be found by typing ‘Carved Corbel’ into your Internet search engine.

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Swags comprise of elongated amalgams of decorative motifs which are usually interwoven amongst leaf work. The arrangements are carved as though they are draped or hanging and are used for interior and architectural decoration. Grinling Gibbons (1648-1726), who was famed for his incredibly ornate work, produced some outstanding examples featuring fruit, leaf work, flowers, birds, musical instruments and cherubs. The versatile aspect of this decoration is that you can make it as simple or complicated as you wish.