50004: Spoon Carving Set

Master the craft of Spoon Carving with this 3-piece Carving by Numbers tool set.

Simply match your numbered carving tools to the step-by-step guidance or create decorations and gifts of your own.

This collection of tools has been developed in cooperation with Record Power, a woodworking tool manufacturer with a heritage spanning back over 100 years.

The Spoon Carving Set of 3 carving tool profiles can be used to master the art of spoon carving, along with a broad selection of attractive patterns and designs.
You will also have online access to a growing educational resource including:

  • Woodcarving by Numbers Book
  • Foundation Skills DVD
  • Plans and Projects
  • Video Tutorials
  • Over 500 Spoon, Spatula and Utensil Design Ideas.

3 Chromium-vanadium alloy steel Carving tools, featuring the unique Carving by Numbers referencing system.

This range of carving tools have been manufactured by Record Power, as a companion range for the Carving by Numbers educational series, created by professional British woodcarver Mike Davies.

Record Power has a long and impressive history. Established in Sheffield, the heart of the UK’s steel industry, and stretching back over 100 years. In addition to their UK-made products, Record Power work with carefully selected partners from across the globe to ensure they supply only the best quality products possible.

Although UK-based, Record Power products are exported to more than 30 countries worldwide.

Learn more about Record Power Here